

European Commission

The EU fines Qualcomm $1.23 billion for signing exclusivity deal with Apple

The European Commission has fined Qualcomm $1.2 billion for what the agency says is "abusing its market dominance in LTE baseband chipsets".

The European Commission slaps €2.42 billion fine on Google

The European Commission has fined Google €2.42 billion (roughly $2.7 billion) after it found the Search giant is breaching EU antitrust rules by "giving...

IBM Wins Largest Ever Server Contract From EC

IBM and Bechtle, a IBM business partnner, have won a $115-million contract with the European Commission for System x and Flex Systems servers and...

European Commission, Justice Dept. Clear Google-Motorola Deal

The European Commission has cleared under the EU Merger Regulation the proposed acquisition of Motorola Mobility by Google. The Commission approved the transaction mainly...

European Commission Gives Go-Ahead To Microsoft-Skype Deal

The European Commission has given the go-ahead to the Microsoft-Skype deal. Brad Smith, General Counsel and Executive Vice President, Microsoft Corporation, called the move...