

Linux Foundation

Mizuho Financial Group and IBM working on blockchain test project

Japanese financial services company Mizuho Financial Group and IBM are working on a pilot project to test the feasibility of using blockchains as virtual currency in...

OpenHPC 1.1 available for download; new members joining the project, says Linux Foundation

OpenHPC, a Linux Foundation project to develop an open source framework for High Performance Computing (HPC) environments, is now available. The Linux Foundation also...

IBM Launches Trusted Blockchain Services

IBM has launched a cloud services framework for securely operating blockchain networks. The company says it has worked with security experts, cryptographers, hardware experts and...

Bloomberg Joins The Linux Foundation

Bloomberg is joining the Linux Foundation as a gold member. Bloomberg is already a member of the Core Infrastructure Initiative, a multi-million dollar project housed...

CoreOS, Cumulus Networks, Rackspace Join Linux Foundation

CoreOS, Cumulus Networks and Rackspace are joining the Linux Foundation. Rackspace is becoming a Xen Project member, joining ARM, NetApp and Verizon Terremark -- other recent companies participating in the open source virtualization project.