


Google Maps will now let you pay for public transportation and parking through its app — The Verge

Google Maps is adding a couple of new useful features: the ability to pay for parking or buy a train ticket right from the...

Tech giants list principles for handling harmful content — Axios

Nine of the world's biggest tech companies have come together to establish an industry framework for handling harmful content and conduct online, writes Margaret...

The questions the CEOs declined to answer — Protocol

Every congressional hearing with the tech CEOs has been rife with promises they will "get back" to lawmakers on questions they either can't or...

AR is finally infiltrating everyday tasks such as Google search — Fast Company

Augmented reality may have struggled to live up to its initial hype, but it’s quietly working its way into our lives—no fancy headset required;...

Google open-sources MT5, a multilingual model trained on over 101 languages — VB

Google open-sourced a model called MT5 that the company claims achieves state-of-the-art results on a range of English natural processing tasks, writes Kyle Wiggers. Here...