[Techtaffy Newsdesk]
The Intellectual Property & Science business of Thomson Reuters, has formed a partnership with the King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology (KACST), an independent Saudi Arabian scientific organization reporting to the Prime Minister, that KACST selected Thomson Reuters as a partner of scientific and patent information, analytical insights and services for the Saudi Arabian national science agency (KACST).
KACST coordinates with government agencies, scientific institutions and research centers to foster research and exchange information and expertise. Saudi Arabian government officials aim to establish the Kingdom as a science-centered economy capable of creating unique technologies and achieving sustainable economic growth through international collaboration and an innovative National Strategic Plan.
Dr. Alswailem (Vice president, Research support, KACST): KACST is at the forefront of Saudi Arabia’s plan to reinvent itself as a knowledge-based economy over the next 15 years.
[Image Courtesy: KACST]
Upload: 03-25-12