


Net neutrality is back: U.S. promises fast, safe and reliable internet for all — NPR

Consumers can look forward to faster, safer and more reliable internet connections under the promises of newly reinstated government regulations, writes Emma Bowman of NPR.

FCC to declare AI-generated voices in robocalls illegal under existing law — Ars Technica

The Federal Communications Commission plans to vote on making the use of AI-generated voices in robocalls illegal, writes Jon Brodkin. 

FCC chair proposes new US broadband standard of 100Mbps down, 20Mbps up — Ars Technica

Federal Communications Commission Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel is aiming to increase the agency's broadband speed standard from 25Mbps to 100Mbps on the download side and...

FCC plans to rein in “gateway” carriers that bring foreign robocalls to US — Ars Technica

FCC proposes STIR/SHAKEN and call-blocking rules for gateway phone companies, writes Jon Brodkin. Here is the link:

FCC Chairman Ajit Pai will step down on January 20 — CNBC

Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai will step down from his post on January 20, the day President-elect Joe Biden is inaugurated, writes Lauren...